Regulators see the urge to accelerate digital transformation

In those POJK, Digital Bank was started to be mentioned besides the “Hybrid” Bank.

is the amalgamation of digital and inhouse services to create a customer-centric banking ecosystem that allows clients to access services no matter which method they choose to use, including Branches.

Digital banking

is the digitization of every level, from front- to back-end, of banking. This means that digital banks rely on artificial intelligence to automate back-end operations such as administrative tasks and data processing

Highlight - POJK 12 & 13/2021

1. Regulate more specific regarding the transformation of Bank to be a Digital one - as part of Indonesia Banking Architecture

2. Governance over Bank’s branches

3. Governance over capital of the Bank

4. Simplify the approval process incl. acceleration Product’s licensing process

5. Re-definition of Bank based on Core Capital (from BUKU to KBMI)

|•SOURCE•| Articles :BANKING | Image :BETA NEWS |


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